Meet Rachelle

Photo of reproductive dietitian Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN sitting on couch with feet up and coffee in hand

My Story

After graduating from university with my nutrition degree, I began my career at the prestigious Weill Cornell Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility in New York City.  As a patient coordinator, I guided hundreds of patients through the process of fertility treatments, and observed how this experience made women and couples feel stressed, anxious and out of control. I also realized that nutrition and lifestyle were relevant factors that were in their control. Making changes to their diet could improve their chances of conceiving, and improve their overall wellbeing. It was through this formative experience that I decided to focus on nutrition as a preventative measure and therapy for better health. Food therapy.

Reproductive nutrition is a topic I’m passionate about. During the five years that I worked at the fertility center, I completed my dietetics training and earned my masters degree at New York University. Since then I have been a private practice dietitian in NYC and Australia and a clinical dietitian in Chicago hospitals, and I have continued to see the need for credible nutrition guidance for folks before, during and after pregnancy.  My own pregnancies confirmed the lack of credible nutrition resources for the perinatal period. The nutrition advice I was given was limited to "Take a prenatal vitamin." Like any other time in life, vitamins are meant to supplement not replace a nutritious diet (not to mention there is no standard formula for prenatal vitamins!). Pregnancy, along with the preconception and postpartum periods, come with their own set of challenges that can make it difficult to follow a healthy diet.  I also struggled with morning sickness and gastrointestinal issues in both of my pregnancies, but as a dietitian I had the knowledge and tools to ease these symptoms with diet. I do the same for my clients, providing a patient-centered experience with a weight-inclusive, intuitive eating approach. We focus on health-promoting behaviors and nourishment rather than restriction.

I started The Food Therapist with the goal to help folks during this special time gain peace of mind, ease their symptoms, and empower them to make decisions that will nourish themselves and their babies. The period from before conception through becoming a parent and beyond is exciting, stressful, and full of unknowns and change. I understand the ups and downs of fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and life after baby. Rather than worrying about what you cannot control, feel empowered doing what you can control. I can help you thrive during your reproductive years. As a Registered Dietitian, I can support you in making nutrition and lifestyle changes to nurture yourself and create a nourishing environment for baby.

If you're interested in working with me or learning more, send me a message here! 


My Bio 

I'm Rachelle, a Registered Dietitian and the owner of The Food Therapist, LLC. I earned a Bachelors degree with Honors in Human Nutrition from Arizona State University and a Masters degree in Food Studies - Food Culture from New York University.  I'm a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), including their the Women's Health and Dietitians in Medical Nutrition Therapy dietetic practice groups. I’m also a member in the Nutrition Special Interest Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). I’ve served on the board of the AND’s Chicago chapter and presented at ASRM’s annual conference. Additionally, I’m the content expert on reproductive nutrition for the Nutrition Care Manual’s Board of Editors. In this role I update clinical nutrition guidelines for other healthcare professionals as well as consumer education materials on nutrition for reproductive health.

I live on Chicago’s North Shore with my husband Ronak and two little ones. Originally from Sag Harbor, a small town on Long Island, I'm a beach girl at heart but have spent most of my adult life living in cities. Many of my favorite activities involve food, including cooking, dining out, and frequenting farmer's markets. For movement and stress relief, I enjoy walks, yoga, and dance classes. I even performed on a Bollywood dance team when I lived in Melbourne, Australia!

Thanks for visiting my website.  I look forward to supporting you!